In this channel, which I have called "IN FOR HEALTH", I want to bring you the best of the best regarding information about proper nutrition, mental and physical health and the truth about the many lies that have been and are being told to us.
It is of the utmost importance that as many people as possible realize how our living environment is polluted and how our food has degenerated.
It almost seems, and unfortunately is, that most people have completely forgotten what our origins are, what proper nutrition is and why current food producers really need to be avoided and fought.
Our beautiful bodies are a miracle of nature that are perfectly capable of helping themselves. Our immune system is very well equipped but has a hard time these days due to constant attacks of toxins, radiation etc.
The articles I post are originally in Dutch. I translate them and usually make audio or video files of them. Please read also our disclaimer.
The co-authors are good friends of mine and are among the best specialists in the field of nutrition in the world.
At a later stage I will introduce a "system" with which you can contact them for personal consultations or courses.
My 19 year old son has overcome his intestinal inflammation, which was labeled as Crohn's by the doctors, simply by adjusting his diet after a consultation with these specialists and not being tempted by fast food and supermarket food.
I am determined to offer a wide range of sound information on this channel.
I wish you good health.
Ofoto Ray